Monday 20 January 2014

HELLO: A Comeback from months of silence| Life Reset|

Attributes of a Goal Getter:Even Better- Goal Achiever

Yes! It's 2014 and we are in the month of January.Whilst I usually would inspire myself from a book I read, or some other source ..I chose to type some of my thoughts..
2013: There you went and it was a blessing to have you..the process of being that new version of oneself  did prove to be a road that could be stable but at the same time have some inevitable challenges on the way..still it is a blessing to have gone through that year since it made me discover things from a perspective of one who lives fearlessly..Yet.. As brave as that person may be one still thinks we all strive to be fearless in one way or another.. But once in a while.. We may get caught up in a situation that would show us that ey?maybe there is some more work to do here... Has fear really left us?completely?
2014: Here you are...and you came in with some surprises too. I stopped believing in resolutions and would rather continuously work on this new version of me. As is said in the Bible in proverbs 22:29 "Seest thou a man diligent in his business ? He shall stand before kings ;he shall not stand before mean men"
For this year, may We all continue on our journey with Faith, Courage and Fearlessness..
Some points could be made in order to achieve goals we set for ourselves:

Do not be deterred by any act of jealousy
Do not be  distracted by any envious criticism
Focus your attention on The Lord with diligence
Press on , not slow down

This is all for now... Have a great week xx

Tuesday 4 June 2013

You are what you constantly do..

I know its summer and somehow I already know that some changes have to be made to my eating habits since its freaking hot! Also, I think its useful to reset yourself according to different seasons on your path. This means, re-visualizing your goals and drawing up the tools to achieve them progressively and efficiently!
I came across when reading Steve Pavlina's book , a list of different ways to make changes you desire  and I took note of some few points that I think matter so here goes:

Daily goals: setting targets each day in advance.Make a decision on what you will do , then do it. Otherwise, it is easy to become victim of distractions

Procrastination: Focus on the most unpleasant task at hand instead of delaying it.

Productivity:Identify the time when you are the most productive and start with the important tasks for those times. The minor tasks can be done at a later time

Set a target: before beginning a task, identify the target you must reach before you can stop working on it. no matter what.

Early bird: get up early in the morning and work on the most important task.

Neatness: A clutter free home and office make for better working environment

Pareto rule: the 80-20 Rule that states: 80 per cent of the value of a task comes from 20 per cent of effort. Focus your energy on that 20 per cent.

Punctuality: Always arrive early for appointments. Punctuality enhances authority

Prioritize: Separate truly important tasks from the merely urgent. Allocate time to work on really important tasks.

At the end of a work day: Identify the first task you will work on the next day and set out materials in advance.

Intuition: Go with your instinct.Its probably right most of the time

Training: Train up you skills in various productivity habits. For example: Increase your typing speed to 60 word per minute.

There are many different ways to change habits.Choose the ones that apply to your lifestyle.

Peace and luv xx


Natural Hair Basics: The essentials?


These are just few points that are to be taken into account when taking care of hair whether you are natural or relaxed. In my opinion, whether you choose to be relaxed or natural does not matter at the end of the day. Yet, the way to take care of your hair and knowing what it needs can greatly impact on the overall health of the hair. So, here are some videos I would like to share:

 Black hair and water

Sealing and moisturizing hair

Although there are multiple videos on youtube that provide information such as Kimmaytube channel  based on comprehensive scientific information as well as blogs that provide extensive details on products that could be useful depending on the hair goal set. For example, right now I am focusing on healthy hair rather than length for now. Therefore,here are few things to remember about your hair:

1.Love your Hair!
2.Accept your Hair texture
3.Low manipulation
4.Condition,Condition,Condition by using moisturizing products
5.Try to stay away from heat ( ie you can limit your heat usage according to needs: e.g per year or per month)
6.Use protective styling: Weave, Braids, twist outs etc..

And thats it for now!

Love and peace x


Friday 12 April 2013

Welcoming April

Hello April!!

To some, its welcoming spring and looking forward to summer. As far as I am concerned, it feels like I am dealing with the summer right now!

I have been preeeetty busy lately ..been slacking a bit but thats alright.. Discovered some things I wish to share. Hope this month started on the right beat for anyone at least for me, its a darn StrOng Beat!

So First, I would like to share my crush on  SHERYL SANDBERG, Chief Operating Officer at Facebook. Oh my she is Awesome!! After I saw her interview with Oprah , I thought I want to buy her book :) : and of course the book I am referring to is : LEAN IN: Women, Work and the Will to lead.

Also, coming up just some few tips on what I would love to sport during spring and summer as well few beauty tips :)

New Artist Crush: I am a great fan of  music in the likes of jazz , soul etc.. and I was introduced to this

Robert Glasper  and i think awesome: check it out!!


I have some more surprises down the drain ..hehe patience :)

Peace & love


Wednesday 6 March 2013

Loving this: Alicia Keys-Brand New Me

This song speaks so much to me and, like Alicia keys I have been going through my Caterpillar- to- Butterfly moment. Check out some bits out of the lovely note she wrote for her fans ( Go on for full note) :

This song is about that journey in life and how you discover that new person in you. It’s about embracing that change and accepting myself as you continue transitioning into the woman or man you are meant to be. There is NOTHING wrong with being “Brand new.” People sometimes use that phrase as if it is something negative. But really, what is better than feeling brand new? It’s the most beautiful feeling.  Just as a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, we too can grow into something new in life. Embrace new perspectives and ideas, and believe in new beginnings. By doing so, we all have a chance to evolve and become the best versions of ourselves.  

 Sometimes people may be trying to cage you in. They would love to control you and manipulate you. But there comes a time when we have to make our own choices and decide what kind of life we want? Do we want to keep holding ourselves back or do we want to break free? Are we going to let someone take advantage of us, or are we going to speak up? Are we happy being unhappy or is it time to make a change? And it’s surprising when we find the courage to do that. It surprises everyone around you and it will even surprise yourself. We have no idea how strong we are until we must test that strength. And when you do, you will see how resilient and capable you are in life. And you will recognize who you are and trust yourself more than anyone else. So feel that! Live that! Know that! And be proud of being “Brand New.

Life is all about change… both good and bad… and learning how to best transition through those times.  Sometimes you have to let go of certain people that are holding you back or relationships you’ve outgrown or things you’ve learned don’t help you anymore. And when you do let these individuals and thoughts go, you realize what it means to trust your instincts and take control of yourself.  Realize that, today, you know you are exactly where you are meant to be in life.

Love & Peace,

Ness x

Tuesday 5 March 2013

5Goals1Week: On Being Persistent

So, when we focus on what we want: Whatever we feel or want to achieve in life, I learned that being persistent is one of the tools that can help get you where you need to go. It could be, you want to buy a car or even go on a trip, start a business, have better grades at school.. it could be anything really
 I then wanted to share these few notes from Steve Pavlina's Self Development for smart people. This may serve as an encouragement or guide to some of us who may not understand the many metrics of acquiring what it is they deserve.

As an individual, we need to give ourselves the TIME to build our effectiveness. The role of persistence is to  develop ourselves from novices to experts, knowing that the expert level is where most rewards are found.
Success is never easy. It is actually very difficult to succeed at something New, never done before.That is why,  failure is an important part of success.When you fail, it means you are taking action because  you made mistakes  and are educating yourself- just remember to be patient with yourself, not to pressure yourself,tune in to your past self and be grateful for what happened.
Success come naturally once you finally learn how to take the CORRECT Actions.

As Calvin Coolidge quotes:

'Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.Talent will not;nothing is more common than successful men with talent. genius will not;unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan " Press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race'

Love & Peace,


My MARCH Playlist // A Dainty Tag of Threes

Well, here it is.. The month of March! Are we excited yet?
Since I love reading, I came accross the Dainty Tag of  Three which consists of... I mean, just have a look:

3 Goals:
#Gym/Exercise 3 times a day ( 30-45 minutes minimum)
# Keep up the work on Building a Strong Network of Connections
# Fulfill my tasks with  more consistency!

3 Wants
# Plan for Yatch Week
# A Yatch dinner tour
# Desert  Safari

3 Reads

# Personal Development for Smart people by Steve Pavlina
#  Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky
# The Power of \Now by Eckhart Tolle

3 Sacrifices

# Eating out - Home cooking is the best
# Being a Hair product Junkie
# Eating Bread

3 Motivators

# God
# Not got a specific One : but Successful Entrepreneurs Mostly

Thank you Kimberly from KimberlyLuxe.. this is an interesting tag! For anyone reading, I tag you!! You may want to think about it, or blog about it or even write it in your journal whatever you do, this tag is an invitation to focus your mind on your priorities as well as your wants for each month!!

Love & Peace,


Thursday 28 February 2013

And we're back on It: 5goals1week!!


Hello Guys,

I though I would continue with the 5goals1week system , simply because for me, it is a motivation tool. It helps me as well as I hope it would help you guys reading to keep up with whatever you are doing, seeking after  etc..Thus, more posts coming up with different themes to think about!

Love and peace,

Ness x

Monday 25 February 2013

The Female Brain: Chapter Summary/Review

So this is it, The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine. These books ( Female Brain and male Brain are mainly based on scientific studies and draws up conclusions based on results obtained from  the studies. The author also provides fictitious examples to illustrate her points as well as  from her own experience which makes the book easier to read. 

The book consists of the following chapters:

The Birth of the Female Brain
Teen Girl Brain
Love and Trust -Chapter Summary
Sex: the Brain below the belt
The Mommy Brain
Emotion: The feeling Brain
The Mature Female Brain
The Future of the Female Brain

What Makes Us Women-The developments in brain science has allowed researchers or scientists to gather an amazing plethora of information on the structure, chemical, genetic, hormonal and functional brain differences between men and women.

  • Differences in  brain sensitivities to Stress and Conflict
  • Men and women use different brain areas and circuits to Solve Problems, Process Language, Experience and store the Same Strong Emotion
  • Men and Women process Stimuli, Hear , See, "Sense" and measure what others and feeling in different ways
Female and Male brain operating systems are mostly compatible and adept  but they perform the same goals and tasks using different circuits.

Biology does represent the foundation of our personalities and behavioral tendencies.Therefore, the need to acknowledge how other factors may be influenced by other factors- mentioned in the book.However, Biology does not restrain our reality from happening.

We , as human beings are capable to change our reality and use our intelligence  and determination to celebrate and when necessary, change the effects of  hormones on  our brain structure, reality, behavior, creativity and destiny.

Chapter Summary: Love and Trust

Men and Women process initial romance calculations unconsciously but differently. For Short-term romance; men tend to be chasers and women choosers.
According to Darwin, males of all species were made for wooing ( courting,soliciting) females.On the other hand females were made for choosing among their suitors. ( Brizendine,2006)

Apparently, in the course of our evolution as species our brains have already been encoded to learn how to spot the healthiest males, the most likely to give us children and those whose resources and commitment can help our offspring survive.
 In this sense, once the female brain sizes up a potential partner( even if we did not intend to) and if the profile fits our ancestral wish list, we get a jolt of chemicals that dizzy us with a rush of laser-focused attraction. That could be called the infatuation stage, opening the gates to  the courtship-mating-parenting brain program.

And again, even when we do not intend to meet anyone, our brain however may have other deep and primitive plans.

Thus, when a woman meets a man or potential mate, she  may get a signal in her brain  of mating and long term attachment.  At this stage women may get even luckier if that so called potential mate's brain feels the same way.

The fact that our mental instincts have not changed in millions of years may explain why women , worldwide may seek for similar qualities in a long-term mate. women tend to be less concerned with visual appeal and more interested in his material resources and social status. Females, it seems may look for a man ( ideally) who is at least  four feet taller and three years and a half older. According to researcher, choosing mates based on those attributes is likely to be a savvy investment strategy.
Another point on women being careful with their " female jewels" states that since they have a limited number  of eggs, they are invested more in bearing and raising children than men do.
This means, not jumping in the bed the first night -haha
Single-Motherhood although fashionable these days, is viewed as a challenging stage in a woman's life and females who face these difficulties may be less successful in propagating their genes. ( Brizendine,2006)
Thus, the presence of a father triples the children's survival rate. As a result,the safest bet would be for women to partner with a man who will stick around , protect them, their children  and improve their access to food and shelter and other resources.
So women should take their time in assuring themselves that the potential mate is a good catch ( by observing the signs of your intuition)
Calculating Potential Danger- women are likely to give early, careful scrutiny to a man's likely level of commitment when looking for a mate.Seduction and abandonment by males is an old ruse-a females brain is now well adapted to the task of spotting lies and exaggerations by men, especially in their adult life stage. For this reason, women are slower at admitting or confessing they are in love and are more careful than males in the beginning-weeks and months- of a relationship.
Women  brains in love tend to use-gut feelings , attention, memory circuits whereas men in love show more activity in the visual processing areas- this explain why men are  more likely to fall in love at "first sight " than women would.

Once a person is in love, the cautious, critical thinking pathways in the brain are shutdown. Throughout female evolution, this is characterized by focusing exclusively on that person, not focusing too much on the beloved's faults Also, women tend to get more passionate than men do.
Falling in love is one of the most irrational behaviors or brain states imaginable to men and women. The brain becomes "Illogical" in new romance mainly by being literally blind to the shortcomings of the other.- It is an involuntary state.Moreover,the stage of passionately in love or infatuation is called the documented brain state: this is characterized by  states of obsession,mania, intoxication, thirst and hunger. Infatuation is not an emotion but what it does is intensify or decrease other emotions.
The brain circuits that are activated when we are in love are similar to those of a drug addict desperately craving the next fix.
In fact, the Amygdala- the brain's fear alert system- and the Anterior cingulate cortex-the worrying and critical thinking system - are turned way down when the love circuits are running in full blast. This could be compared to the state of individuals who take Ecstasy. Romantic love can therefore be called the natural Ecstasy high. This because, classic symptoms of early in love are similar to the initial effect of drugs such as amphetamine,cocaine,heroin, morphyn and Oxcycontin.
It could be true to say that some people can become addicted to love. In romantic love, especially the first six months, there is a crave for the ecstatic feeling of being together and the need to become helplessly  dependent on the each other.
Moreover, activities such as caressing, kissing,gazing , hugging and orgasm can replenish the chemical bond of love and trust in the brain.
This explains why mothers try to tell their daughters not to get too close too soon with a new boyfriend, and this advice may be wiser than we realize.
For example, hugging or cuddling  releases oxytocin in the brain. This chemical reaction may tend to produce trust in  the hugger or cuddler.Also, it increases the likelihood  of believing anything or everything a man or potential mate tells you.
So  ladies don't let a guy hug ( especially a new boyfriend) you unless you plan to trust him.

In conclusion, this book is useful for women who would like to understand themselves and what they may go through at different stage of their life. Also, it helps men to understand women about those aspects that were maybe not clear to them.
*To find out more, you know what to do :).

Any comments? please feel free and I will respond accordingly.

And a little quote to inspire you ladies:

On that note,

Peace and love,

Ness x