Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Loving this: Alicia Keys-Brand New Me

This song speaks so much to me and, like Alicia keys I have been going through my Caterpillar- to- Butterfly moment. Check out some bits out of the lovely note she wrote for her fans ( Go on for full note) :

This song is about that journey in life and how you discover that new person in you. It’s about embracing that change and accepting myself as you continue transitioning into the woman or man you are meant to be. There is NOTHING wrong with being “Brand new.” People sometimes use that phrase as if it is something negative. But really, what is better than feeling brand new? It’s the most beautiful feeling.  Just as a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, we too can grow into something new in life. Embrace new perspectives and ideas, and believe in new beginnings. By doing so, we all have a chance to evolve and become the best versions of ourselves.  

 Sometimes people may be trying to cage you in. They would love to control you and manipulate you. But there comes a time when we have to make our own choices and decide what kind of life we want? Do we want to keep holding ourselves back or do we want to break free? Are we going to let someone take advantage of us, or are we going to speak up? Are we happy being unhappy or is it time to make a change? And it’s surprising when we find the courage to do that. It surprises everyone around you and it will even surprise yourself. We have no idea how strong we are until we must test that strength. And when you do, you will see how resilient and capable you are in life. And you will recognize who you are and trust yourself more than anyone else. So feel that! Live that! Know that! And be proud of being “Brand New.

Life is all about change… both good and bad… and learning how to best transition through those times.  Sometimes you have to let go of certain people that are holding you back or relationships you’ve outgrown or things you’ve learned don’t help you anymore. And when you do let these individuals and thoughts go, you realize what it means to trust your instincts and take control of yourself.  Realize that, today, you know you are exactly where you are meant to be in life.

Love & Peace,

Ness x

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